Are you on a diet yo-yo? Did you know this stresses your body? Losing weight and keeping it off means you must make a lifestyle change, not just jump on the next fad diet bandwagon. But, making a lifestyle change is not always easy. It requires a lot of dedication and will-power. It also requires that you decrypt all the mixed messages you are getting about what’s healthy and what’s not. This is where a wellness coach comes in.

Stop dieting, start living…

Have you heard of a wellness coach? A wellness coach is a specially trained health professional who provides one-on-one support in whatever your wellness goals might be. They can help with your fitness goals; they can help you lose weight and they can help you manage a myriad of health conditions.

A wellness coach is a great teacher as well as an accountability partner when it comes to fitness. A wellness coach can aid you in designing a fitness plan tailored to your needs. So if you are a couch potato, a fitness buff or you need to consider a health condition, a coach can help you create the perfect plan. After all, not everyone loves Yoga, and your knees might not be able to handle running.

Coaches are also great at helping you tweak your diet for long-term results. They are especially educated in the area of ​​nutrition and can quickly steer you away from that next crazy diet. When it comes to nutrition, not only can they help you in designing the perfect diet for weight-loss, they can also help you plan a diet tailored to your health. For example, if you are diabetic, they will help you choose foods that will help maintain healthy glucose levels. Coaches are also well-versed with considering your special diet needs as well as your likes and dislikes.

Wellness coaches are also great at helping their patients set realistic and achievable goals. Setting goals is important for success. A coach can evaluate the desired end-result and determine if your goal is realistic. If not, they can reel you in and get you back on track to success. All your goals must be SMART This acronym means your goals must be specific (not just you are going to lose weight), measurable (I am going to lose 22 pounds), attainable, relevant and time-bound.

So when you are ready to get serious about your health, get on the internet and locate a wellness coach in your area. Take the time to talk to a few and get to know them. Choosing a coach you like and respect is just as important as their credentials. It’s also a good idea to get some referrals and talk to their current or previous clients. Health insurance companies realize the value of wellness coaches and can be a great resource for helping you find the perfect one and some may even help with the cost.